Wednesday, April 29, 2009

hamster murah dijogja


Hello… saya mau jual ham nih…


:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

umur 1bulanan, lucu, imut, sehat, bersih n jinak banget deh…

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

saya kasi harga 70000/ekor.

klo bisa langsung beli 10 ekor saya kasi potongan deh….


klo ada yang tertarik hubungi saya


saurdot (085228688979)

YM : gw_banget5


saya domisili di jogja, daerah demangan baru.

mau lihat ham nya bisa chat dengan saya n saya tunjukkan potonya. ok.

klo mau, hubungi saya tp klo dah abis maap yah… he


:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

bukan bakulan...bisa beli satuan....
cuma klo jual satuan kan mahal mending dikumpulin aja siapa yang mau beli ham robo

beli sepuluh ada potongan nya
ni bantu tmn jualin ham robo nya..
gimn... mau?mau?mau?
bagus2 loh

Bisa diliat di web ini fotonya :

ini masih anakn

nih dah dewasa...imut lucu n jinak loh

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

jual hamster robo WF

Hello… saya mau jual ham nih…
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
umur 1bulanan, lucu, imut, sehat, bersih n jinak banget deh…
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
saya kasi harga 70000/ekor.
klo bisa langsung beli 10 ekor saya kasi potongan deh….

klo ada yang tertarik hubungi saya
saurdot (085228688979)
YM : gw_banget5
saya domisili di jogja, daerah demangan baru.
mau lihat ham nya bisa chat dengan saya n saya tunjukkan potonya. ok.
klo mau, hubungi saya tp klo dah abis maap yah… he
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

anak ham robo WF... lucu2 kan

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Cerita induk hamster yang melahirkan banyak anak

Cerita induk hamster yang melahirkan banyak anak

Induk hamster bisa melahirkan lebih dari jumlah puting susu induk. Maka dari itu diperlukan vitamin yang membuat induk hamster menjadi kuat dan menghasilkan susu yang berkualitas dan banyak untuk hamster.

Pengalaman saya, induk hamster saya melahirkan 9 ekor. Saat itu dia masih segar dan masih bersemangat. Tetapi setelah 9 hari dia kelelahan karena anak hamster yang banyak dan puting susu induk hamster tidak mencukupi makanya induk hamster nya tidak kuat untuk pergi mencari makan dan minum. Saya sudah memberikan sayur-sayuran, kuaci dan biji-bijian saat itu induk hamster memakannya namun hari ke sebelas kelahiran anaknya induk hamster meninggal dunia. Sedih rasanya… induk hamster meninggalkan 9 ekor anak hamster setelah anak hamster sudah dapat melihat semua… mungkin induk hamster mengetahui ajalnya, dia tahu kalau dia akan mati dan berusaha untuk hidup samapi ke 9 anak nya sudah melihat. Pagi harinya saya melihat induk betina hamster sudah kaku dan tidak bernyawa. Semoga apa yang di hasilkan menjadi yang terbaik.

Monday, March 30, 2009

about hamster funny


Seekor Hamster Emas

Hamster is a kind of rodent animals, there are various types in the world and in almost every country. Hamster to include in subfamili cricetinae. Subfamili is divided into about 18 species, classified in six or seven genus. Hamster is often used as experimental animals in the laboratory (due to their rapid reproduction) with rat and other rodent.


Hamster has a fat body, with a shorter tail than the body and has a furry ear, a foot wide, short and short-fat. Hamster has a thick fur and long, and bulunya have different colors depending on the animal species, such as black, gray, white, brown, yellow and red. The lower part of the animal is a white to gray and black. Dzhungaria hamster (Phodopus sungorus) and the linear dwarf hamster (Cricetulus barabensis) has a black line under the middle of the back. dwarf hamster deserts (genus Phodopus) are smallest hamster, with a body length of 5 to 10 centimeters (about 2 to 4 inches), while the hamster is the biggest European hamster (Cricetus cricetus), with a body length of more than 34 centimeters, not including the short tail which has 6 centimeters long.


Hamster habitat located in the north of Europe until the middle of Siberia, Mongolia, and northern China to Korea. In the hamster habitat extends from southern Syria to Pakistan. They live on the border of the sand dune that divegetasi, foothill and lowland that with bushes and berbatu, in the river valley, and pasture area, some also live in the fields planting. Geographic distribution of some species divide, for example, found in the European hamster central Europe and western Siberia and northwestern China, but the golden hamster is found only in a small town in northwestern Syria.


Hamster are eating a bread

Hamster is being omnivora. Their food is usually rice grains, but also includes fresh fruit, root, part of the green plants, invertebrates and some other small animals (insects such as locusts). Hamster bring them food in their cheek pouch which is entered into the hole for their food. However, not all suitable for animal food, some foods, such as leaves from the tomato-toxic, food becomes the most dangerous for the hamster's health. People may not know about food safety, such as cucumber to feed the chickens and their fresh fruit and toxic sitrus second opinion on this matter that there is one. Cucumber has very little good nutrition and can cause problems in heart, and some do not like the hamster taste of fruit sitrus, but sitrus safe to be on the hamster. Hamster exposed to the disease may not get diabetes food that contains sugar is high, such as fruit and corn. Components hamster food so divided 3 categories: dry, fresh, and food animals.


Hamster is usually silent and nokturnal although it can be said also krepuskular and they sometimes active in the early morning or late afternoon. They are a good spade, make holes with the entrance of one or more of the gallery and is connected with the room for their nest, food warehouses and other events. There is no hamster berhibernasi during the winter, but some experience torpor occurred during the period of several days to several months.


Hamster female species hamster "bear" with 2 children.

Hamster men have a large testis in accordance with the size of their bodies. Hamster young sex more difficult to do. Hamster women have 2 holes close together, while the hamster has a male genital and anal opening hole is.

Hamster perform insemination on a different age depending on the species, but this can be done at the age of 1 month to 3 months. Hamster men can still do during the conception of his life, but not women. Hamster female experience estrus approximately every three days.

Pengembangbiakan season occurs in April to October, with 1 to 13 children born after gestasi during the period of 13 to 22 days. Gestasi occur 16 to 18 days for the Syrian hamster, 18 to 21 days for hamster Russia, 21 to 23 days to Chinese hamster and 23 to 30 for hamster Roborovski.

After the animal is pregnant women, parent hamster akan build nest and collect their children there. They are not blond, their eyes closed and very small. After 1 week, they started around their nest and eat. After 3 days, your animal can leave their nest. Except for the hamster Roborvski, a new can out of the enclosure within 4 weeks. Usually, the animal is both male and female separate hamster when women give birth, to avoid things that are not desired. Children's hamster also can not be held, not to be eaten by mother. After one week they begin exploring the nest exit. They have all completed after 3 weeks, or 4 weeks to Roborovski hamster. Most people will sell the animal to the store when the animal is aged 2 to 8 weeks.

Places to stay

Hamster home with the amenities

Hamster cage that people often use

Hamster playing young

Hamster can be stored in both the pen and the terarium available in shops pet. Kandang more portability, pinggirannya can be used to swarm. In the glass, can prevent the animal is put out of wood dust and other waste-garbage out pens, give the animal to better, more peaceful, and prevent the situation around a dirty cage.

Because of the small hamster, a suitable home for the animal is always a place must be at least 2 feet and the top is strong because the hamster is pemanjat good. The glass should not be higher than the length for air circulation, and because of the small, dwarf hamster cage need of larger ones, at least 80 centimeters because of their large events.

Avoid hazardous objects are dangerous for animals. Runjung wood from plants or tripleks not suitable for the hamster, because the hamster akan whittle wood, and well-toxic glue or resin to them. Enclosure that can be bought from shops are equipped with some level, connected with stairs.

Hamster normal temperature of 18 to 26 ° C (64 to 80 ° F)

Floor of the animal shelter is usually filled with wood dust. Powder timber made from paper that has been discarded or wood with aroma, flavor is the most healthy. Cut off and eat the powder timber made of cedar, pine, may contain fenol that can damage the respiration system, liver and hamster skin.

Sports and entertainment

Like other pets, hamster needs sports and entertainment practice for physical health and their psychological.

Hamster wheel that is used for sport, but the wheels are too small for the size of the hamster

"Sport Wheel" in the making hamster hamster ran with full speed at the wheel. Other objects are plastic balls or cars that can be penetrated hamster so they can exercise while exploring the area outside the enclosure.

Hamster is a nest builder, many owners who provide snippets of newspaper or tissue, so that they can build a safe place on the edge or in their homes. Wood dust can also be used to build a nest hamster, but there is a risk timber is exposed to pesticides or there is a sharp discount that can harm the hamster, like other rodent, the hamster is a rodent, hamster objects should be given a suitable and safe to build a nest .

Duration of life

Golden hamster usually live no more than 3 years if kept, and the shorter life of 3 years if living in the outdoors. Russian Hamster live approximately 1.5 to 2 years if kept, Chinese hamster, and 2.5 to 3 years. Hamster Roborovski smaller living 3 to 3.5 years if maintained. Both the hamster and golden hamster Russia can begin when the reproductive age of 4-5 weeks. Chinese Hamster can reproduce when they are 2-3 months, and Roborvski hamster at the age of 3-4 months.

A Hamster Roborvskis.

Hamster as a pet

Species most known is the golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus). Hamster is a species that kept most people. Pet shop many to call them "honey bears," "panda," "black bears", "European black bears," "polar bears", and "dalmantian," depending on the color. There are also several variations, including the long hair that grows a few centimeters, and always require special attention.

Golden hamster, Mesocricetus auratus

Hamster who have kept the 4 species of dwarf hamster. Campbell dwarf hamster (Phodopus campbelli) is the hamster that kept most of the 4 species, and sometimes called "pygmy Russia", many originating from hamster Russia. Skin white Russian dwarf hamster (Phodopus sungorus) to white when the winter. Roborovski Hamster (Phodopus roborovskii) is very small and fast. Chinese Hamster (Cricetulus griseus) is not "dwarf hamster" is really, only hamster with a tail about 4 centimeters - nearly all the hamster have a very short tail

Many animal caretaker who want to breed them to produce a good animal is healthy and save with 1 or 2 so that the quality and temperamen needs is vital when planning perkembang culture. Maybe there will be a result of the pregnancy was planned and not planned, but the hamster is often managed with good pets and become a tasty maintained. Hamster buy direct from caretaker means that there is an opportunity to see their parents and find out the date of birth hamster for sale.

Klasifikasi Hamster


Type-Type of Hamster

type type of hamster

In fact many species have a hamster, but only a few species are kept as general pets

Imageyrian Hamster (Golden Hamster)
Latin name: Mesocricetus auratus
Size: 10-18 cm
Weight: 130-210g

ImageDjungarian Hamster
Latin name: Phodopus sungorus
Size: 7-10 cm
Weight: 125-40G

ImageCampbell Hamster
Latin name: Phodopus campbelli
Size 8-10 cm
Weight of 30-45 g

ImageChinese Hamster
Latin Name: Cricetulus griseus
Size 9-12 cm
Weight of 26-38 g

Roborovski HamsterImage
Latin name: Phodopus roborovskii
Size 5-7cm
Weight 15-26g

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About Hamster Food

About Hamster Food

Hamster also including rodent, they will eat foods that meet what they - what is more sweet-sweet without headlong. They do not think the food is harmful or not for them. If you give me any food that they eat, they can become fat, and often can make them sick. You must consider that they instinctively hide their food in the nest. There are some food in a patch that they have become defective and can cause problems. Therefore to become a good keeper you also need to be a nutrition expert who hamster good for you.

Hamster love sunflower seeds as other rodent. Sometimes the seed is often stated as the main source of nutrition, but it is not true. In its wild natural environment, the seeds are sun-important source of nutrition and they can be understood infatuate akan seed this sun. But for the hamster, the seed is too fatty food to be eaten every day. If you feed the seeds of the sun in your hamster cage, hamster will make you fat fast. Obesity is also not good for the hamster. You should give as gifts sun seed / treat. Maximum daily amount is between 3 to 5 seeds. This can also help you men are or tame an animal is good with quickly. With the sun to feed the seeds with your hands, your hamster will recognize you as a good keeper.

In addition to seed-bjian or nuts, you can feed your hamster with vegetables such as cabbage and other vegetables. They were once like. Vegetables do not make them fat. You not only need to buy vegetables for hamster because they do not eat much. You can be a little behind at the time to provide meals for your family. For example the time you make a cabbage salad, cabbage you can give your hamster for the middle. Oh, so some sources say that the salad (lettuce) to endanger the health hamster. We are unsure about it but you can avoid. You should consider your hamster akan instinct in his store in makananya nest. They keep what they nest in, but they do not distinguish / clean, they also do not realize the vegetables have been damaged / decompose quickly. So keep your hamster cage cleaning, remove old stuff to be stored on a regular basis. Atar rotten vegetables that must be dangerous to your hamster.

Vegetables such as a strong herb garlic, onion or celery leaves can become toxic for a small hamster. Although this vegetable good for man, leaves a strong taste can be dangerous to animal health. Avoid celery, garlic, onion. Hamster eat anything without a purpose, only that you can protect it from food poisoning. You must also realize that the pack salad mix sold in supermarkets. Sometimes a mix pack of salad vegetables may contain it. You should feed the hamster's own vegetables. Stimulation such as chocolate can also be dangerous to animal health. Keep your children not to give food cemilan / snak them to the hamster. Hamster because you can end with the tragic.

Rodent's teeth never stop growing. Therefore they have to bite something hard again. For this reason you must give them something to bite them. Vegetables too soft for this, you can give pelet or a hard piece of wood. Eating formulation suitable for this purpose, please check in your petshop around you. Usually the food animal sekeras may be designed to cut their teeth. Piece of wood also work together in an effort to dental treatment, but the hamster food is also working more as a supplement and can be enjoyed by hamster. Sometimes the food is not formulated in accordance with the taste of animal, then do not buy too many. Buy a little first and see if the animal is like that or not.

Hamster also like fruit. You can eat fruit such as apple piece or give it to hamster, they are certainly very happy. Rules are basically mild fruit suitable for a baby is also good for the hamster. Fruit fruit-like vegetables may also spoil quickly, you have to remember that. If the fruit has become rotten or moldy, rotten fruit that can be dangerous not only for animal but also custodian. If the animal has left the fruit that you give, you have to lift and dispose of the rest of kandangnya. Do not let the rest rot in the pen.

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health hamster

HEALTH Hamster

Hamster being generally healthy and can live well for two years or more. They need to shed the comfortable, far from the drought and humidity, cleaned well and regularly. They need to be fed with a mixture of foods that meet the full needs of their day-to-day. They enjoy the food fresh fruit or vegetables in a little amount. They love to play and come out to play along with the owner.

dr Hamwell said ..
In the hamster is healthy then their eyes will be clean, bright, careful, have a shiny fur and the ears upright. Although the hamster just wake up from sleep, a little will ears stand erect with both. Hamster has two signs / The speck pinggul or scent gland in the body of them (in their pinggul). This is normal and they will expand or can also be seen as scabies in some animal fur short. Do not diusik hamster because it can cause you problems.

A sick hamster akan dwell only in the nest, although there are some interesting events in the outside. Time he was out, his eyes half closed and may remain down and the ears with a flat head.

Health tip: Wash your hands before handling your hamster if you have a cold or stomach ache. Hamster contagious germs you can take it that you can also make them sick. Do not spray aerosol / spray around the cage because the animal can be dangerous to you ..

Hamster Diseases


Abacesses is wound under the skin that contains pus. They can swell very quickly and also as a sign of infection occurs.
First: check to the vet immediately. Antibiotics are usually given and may ditusuk abcess. Injuries are often cleaned and may need to be cleaned regularly to recover. Some of the hamster may need to undergo surgery to remove the absess.


Sometimes hamster blood from his buttocks. Possible this is a sign of infection in the womb, female Sirian hamster. A little blood on the boots on the dwarf hamster Russia can also indicate that the hamster is pregnant.


If the syrian hamster began bleeding from his backside then take it to the doctor. If this is the hamster uterus infections need antibiotics to be cured. Bloody hamster can also mean being delivered. If Russia dwarf hamster severe bleeding and he also needs to take to a doctor.

Campbell dwarf Russia from diabetes can be affected offspring. Hamster will lose weight and look lean, and sick. Hamster will drink more water and has a toilet area that is very wet. Hamster patients usually die very young about four to six months.
Some of the fancier hamster with food to try with various results. Insulin umunnya not a good idea because it is very difficult to know how much insulin to be given to the small animal. At this time there is no medicine.

feather fall
Kerontokan indumentum usually occurs in the hamster old and can also be caused by some other reason.
Bring to a doctor to get dianogsa cause and something to help him.

The speck Pinggul (Hip Spot)
All have one hamster, but the hamster is old bulunya thin as can be seen clearly problematic. The speck is a sign in the second pinggul and can be seen as two mole.
Leave, do not digangu or diusik. Usually not problematic. You can injure both of them try to remove this.

During the wound is not too visible or in the clean wound that can be left. Note lukannya only to recover. Injured in a more visible infections need medical advice.
Generally with antibiotics. Bathe with salt water also helps to keep that clean.

A lump or tumor
Hamster that appears swollen in the area of foreigners. Benjolan this may be fixed or a new place in their skin. Hamster may not like you hold a lump it.
Medical advice is needed. In general, they removed through surgery or the right size for easy put to surgery. Some doctors warn there will be difficulties in anaesthetization hamster. Dr Hamwell said that although there is little risk to the animal, the animal always has a friend who was in good operating properly. Always benjolan examined as soon as possible because they can quickly grow large enough.

Virus Papova
This disease is a disease that is relatively new hamster diguleti by a doctor at this time. Simptom signs include feeling jendolan behind the neck, benjolan-benjolan small under the skin, such as benjolan benjolan growth in the chin or other body part. This disease is transmitted through the urine and through holding a sick hamster and not washing hands after that.
There is no cure for papova for at this time. Hamster fancier try benjolan through with the operation but there is no guarantee that benjolan that does not appear again. This disease is genetic. Some hamster died from this disease and other animal and can also recover lost benjolan also. This disease is infectious and you have to separate the animal is exposed to this disease.

tail Wet (Wet Tail)
Animal is the most disease-luaskan assigned. Signs symtom hamster is very weak and diarrhea.
Need to be taken to the doctor. Be pitied this disease is very very difficult to be cured and may not pitch hamster please.

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Winter White Hamster

Winter White Hamster

Often called the Siberian hamster, Winter White first introduced at the beginning of 1970. Although less common than the Dwarf Campbell, they began to grow popular. Unique because they change color from gray old white kamuflasi as the snow season in the natural, then that's their name menyadang winter white (white winter / snow). Around 1988 the movement appeared in the winter white - the top of the white feathers are black, gray ears and a black eye. Now known as the Winter White Pearl. At the same time sapphire (Shappire) appears with a gray smoke coverts with a few blue tinge. Black eye and ear gray young. Cross the Pearl Sapphire Sapphire Pearl akan get

What is the difference?

Winter White Russian Hamster is often disarukan relatively similar with the Dwarf Campbell Russian. For many years scientist classify them as the same animal and they consider this as the Winter White subklas of Campbell and recently classified them as two separate species.

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My hamster male or female

My hamster male or female?

Distinguish hamster often difficult, especially when they are still young.

Syrian males are usually more clearly visible, the time they are aged 4 weeks, the cock (testikel) they will be clearly visible behind the bottom.

Dwarf male penis also have fruit, but not so clearly visible as syrian hamster. Also have a dwarf hamster gland smell (scent) near the user (middle). All male hamster can be interesting to prick the fruit in the belly (abdomen) is

Syrian female, especially on short hair, you can see the stalk susunya. There are two lines of nipple which is located in parallel on each side of the stomach. Dwarf females also have them but also smaller and more difficult to view.

The easiest way to determine whether the hamster is male or female is to see the distance between two holes at the back. This is all the same for all hamster, male or female.
In the male animal is the distance between the anus and the hole-hole penis more.
In the female hamster, the distance between the anus and the hole-hole vagina more closely compared with the male.


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Toilet training for the hamster

Toilet training for the hamster

ImageLife in general is a clean animal. Unlike rat, hamster in the natural life in the hole so instinctive for them to go to the toilet in one place. All animals can be trained to use the toilet / dirt box (litter box). And easier to teach their young at the time.

There are ways to make the famous hamster cage "smell" to baunya reduced. ImageBelieve it or not, hamster can train themselves to use the toilet / litter box, although the assistance of the owner was very helpful. Every modern hamster home should have one litter box / toilet. There are several types of toilet / litter box that is sold in the market.

The use of any problems

Often you find that your hamster to use toiletnya other. Some use toiletnya properly and some are using it as a place to store food, eating and sleeping. Solution is to give the former close toples close as peanut-butter and put the dirt in it. Let your hamster to eat in litterboxnya. Remnant skin bji-seed left in the toilet showed that hamster to know how often to clean the toilet and the rest of the skin missing digit .. But do not let you save a hamster in any toilet. If you clean the toilet regularly, even if your hamster does not use, this will make to create a hamster or remaining garbage-digit seeds remaining skin and urine in the toilet, but not dirt (usually dry and not too smelly). Giving more than one hamster in some places is also a good idea.

The main problem, you may have found their nest in the bathroom. This can not be changed so try to give it an alternative place to stay. Box cover, shaft, home-home. Put food cemilan, pad and a soft material can also help.


Note the placement of the toilet stalls. Placement is very important for the toilet hamster. Most hamster akan to the nearest corner with a bottle of water. They usually grooming there. So this place is clearly a best choice. But you need to place where your hamster normal urine. Can also be assisted to put some of the powder / pad that has been in the hamster dikencingi toilet or as a fisherman.


To toiletnya sand, you can buy sand toilet hamster. Every day or two days, the dirt should be cleaned with a shovel available. If no, you can use a plastic fork. At the time to clean the enclosure, remove all sand and toiletnya clean toiletnya sand and replace with a new toilet

In short, to have a modern hamster home, it should be equipped with a toilet that berventalasi enough. Most toilets are sold with the hamster skopnya. If you can not have the plastic forks. With toilet training, you can not clean the cage as often as you did before and also reduced baunya and better than before.

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10 Toys for Small Mammals

10 Toys for Small Mammals

confused select toys for your hamster or other small mammal? Try what we see is something small toys for you.

If you find the interactive toy for yourself, you can try this, for very small rodent kmu can make do with the cloth was similar to peliharaan mu

Hamster Balls
With the ball is very safe for your hamster to play, but you should still observe it when released in the room

Pet Igloo
pets iglooHouse pets igloo-shaped or rounded Eskimo called home this can also be used for the protection of animals (ngumpet)

Fiddle sticks
Fiddle StickFiddle Stick think this is very useful to the Rodent, than to be able to play, and to be blunt teeth jg krn made of wood

Speed & Streak Dragster
If the ball does not form in accordance with your wishes, you can try this other one

Wooden Garden Salad Bites
Give joy to pet kmu, wood salad with this.

This house can be used to place ngumpet i play on it

roll a nestroll a nest made of dry grass is safe to do and very comfortable Rodent krn regarded as a nest and play jg tmp

Workout Wheel

Workout wheelsWhen the wheels Workout kmu only from the iron wheel, try to give kmu wheel made from plasti do this, because far more secure and look better

Hide-N-Sail Boat Little Critter

This is also the same with the other toys are just different forms of high and top lbh hamster that can swarm.

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Sunday, March 29, 2009

about hamster

Hamsters are mammals that belong to the rodent family having large incisor teeth that are continually growing necessitating gnawing to prevent the teeth from overgrowing. The word 'rodent' is derived from the latin word 'rodere' which means 'to gnaw'.

Hamsters form the Family Cricetidae which is broken down into different Genera (including Cricetulus, Phodopus and Calomyscus). Within each Genera are various species of hamster. There are many different species of hamsters throughout the world and most hamsters inhabit semi-desert areas where they live in burrows. These burrows consist of many tunnels and separate chambers including chambers where the hamster will store food and sleep. Hamsters are nocturnal, sleeping during the hot days and waking in the cooler evenings. They have very poor eyesight but a keen sense of smell and excellent hearing.

Most species of hamsters have expandable cheek pouches in which they can carry food and bedding back to their burrow where they will store food. The word 'hamster' comes from the German word 'hamstern' which means 'to hoard'.

Only a few hamster species are widely kept as pets but the hamster is the most popular of the smaller rodents kept as a pet in many countries today.

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Raised Hamster

Raised Hamster

Hamster including type of animal does. There are several animal species that spread throughout the world, one is a Syrian Hamster (Syrian Hamster) is most commonly known and Russian dwarf Hamster (Dwarf Cambell Russia).

He is a beast night, sleep in the daytime and in the afternoon and evening, but if the animal has been invited to play in the morning, sleep pattern will likely follow the owner (if the owner is often playing with hamsternya). Eye view of ugly, but its smell and sharp hearing.

He had the cheek pouch can expand, where he will keep the food brought to the nest.

Syrian hamster comes from the deserts in the Middle East where he lived in the hole-hole in the sand hills. This most common type because it can be held by small children with ease. Animals adult size 17-22 cm long. Generally, this type of benign to humans, but not against other types of hamster. Because if it would maintain this type of animal, must be placed in a separate cage with another hamster, because it will most likely be attacked if the animal is placed in one cage together.

Campbell Russian dwarf hamster comes from the pasture Central Asia (Russia, Mongolia and the northwestern China).

Animals adult size 10-12 cm long, females are slightly longer than the male. The average age of 2 - 2 Â ½ years, even though he can live a little longer.

Dibanyak countries (especially in the United States and Europe), now the hamster small pets that are very popular.

HamsterHamster Hamster kept in a cage, made of wire or glass aquarium. Because of sharp teeth, wood or bamboo used is not appropriate. Floors need to be coated with a pen saw shavings or rice bran can absorb the urine. Swatch swatch-paper can be provided as a nest. He will pile up and put the baby food (if any) in this nest.

Hamter animal that is like hygiene. If the enclosure is big enough, he will use one corner of the cage as a toilet and another angle as the nest.

Hamster food in general is grains (rice / rice, bread, corn) and vegetables (like carrot, cucumber and bean), but do not make as the main material. This little beast still need adequate nutrition, and can be obtained through food packaging that is already full of nutrition. High protein food such as meat or milk, are also important, especially when the babies in infancy or in the mother animal is pregnant or who are currently have a baby If the food contains enough fluids, drinking water is not needed.

Hamster has colored bag in which he gathered food. He hit into the food bag that will expand and bring them to nest. Here the food issued to the timbun. Layer in the cheek pouch is very smooth, so sharp that it can be traumatic.

Hamster babies have an average of 8. But she can give birth to 16 babies at once (Syrian Hamster).

In general, he began to give birth after the age of 3-4 months, although sometimes there is also a start at the age of birth to 1 month, but the hamster is not recommended under the age of 4 months to deliver, because it can cause defects in the children's hamster, or could lead to death to the mother and the child's hamster.

Ugly food (eg, less protein) will result in the mother's search for additional proteins with their own baby food (cannibal), or the environment that do not support the (noisy environments) to create the parent does not feel comfortable / stress can cause a parent takes a child.

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