Monday, March 30, 2009

health hamster

HEALTH Hamster

Hamster being generally healthy and can live well for two years or more. They need to shed the comfortable, far from the drought and humidity, cleaned well and regularly. They need to be fed with a mixture of foods that meet the full needs of their day-to-day. They enjoy the food fresh fruit or vegetables in a little amount. They love to play and come out to play along with the owner.

dr Hamwell said ..
In the hamster is healthy then their eyes will be clean, bright, careful, have a shiny fur and the ears upright. Although the hamster just wake up from sleep, a little will ears stand erect with both. Hamster has two signs / The speck pinggul or scent gland in the body of them (in their pinggul). This is normal and they will expand or can also be seen as scabies in some animal fur short. Do not diusik hamster because it can cause you problems.

A sick hamster akan dwell only in the nest, although there are some interesting events in the outside. Time he was out, his eyes half closed and may remain down and the ears with a flat head.

Health tip: Wash your hands before handling your hamster if you have a cold or stomach ache. Hamster contagious germs you can take it that you can also make them sick. Do not spray aerosol / spray around the cage because the animal can be dangerous to you ..

Hamster Diseases


Abacesses is wound under the skin that contains pus. They can swell very quickly and also as a sign of infection occurs.
First: check to the vet immediately. Antibiotics are usually given and may ditusuk abcess. Injuries are often cleaned and may need to be cleaned regularly to recover. Some of the hamster may need to undergo surgery to remove the absess.


Sometimes hamster blood from his buttocks. Possible this is a sign of infection in the womb, female Sirian hamster. A little blood on the boots on the dwarf hamster Russia can also indicate that the hamster is pregnant.


If the syrian hamster began bleeding from his backside then take it to the doctor. If this is the hamster uterus infections need antibiotics to be cured. Bloody hamster can also mean being delivered. If Russia dwarf hamster severe bleeding and he also needs to take to a doctor.

Campbell dwarf Russia from diabetes can be affected offspring. Hamster will lose weight and look lean, and sick. Hamster will drink more water and has a toilet area that is very wet. Hamster patients usually die very young about four to six months.
Some of the fancier hamster with food to try with various results. Insulin umunnya not a good idea because it is very difficult to know how much insulin to be given to the small animal. At this time there is no medicine.

feather fall
Kerontokan indumentum usually occurs in the hamster old and can also be caused by some other reason.
Bring to a doctor to get dianogsa cause and something to help him.

The speck Pinggul (Hip Spot)
All have one hamster, but the hamster is old bulunya thin as can be seen clearly problematic. The speck is a sign in the second pinggul and can be seen as two mole.
Leave, do not digangu or diusik. Usually not problematic. You can injure both of them try to remove this.

During the wound is not too visible or in the clean wound that can be left. Note lukannya only to recover. Injured in a more visible infections need medical advice.
Generally with antibiotics. Bathe with salt water also helps to keep that clean.

A lump or tumor
Hamster that appears swollen in the area of foreigners. Benjolan this may be fixed or a new place in their skin. Hamster may not like you hold a lump it.
Medical advice is needed. In general, they removed through surgery or the right size for easy put to surgery. Some doctors warn there will be difficulties in anaesthetization hamster. Dr Hamwell said that although there is little risk to the animal, the animal always has a friend who was in good operating properly. Always benjolan examined as soon as possible because they can quickly grow large enough.

Virus Papova
This disease is a disease that is relatively new hamster diguleti by a doctor at this time. Simptom signs include feeling jendolan behind the neck, benjolan-benjolan small under the skin, such as benjolan benjolan growth in the chin or other body part. This disease is transmitted through the urine and through holding a sick hamster and not washing hands after that.
There is no cure for papova for at this time. Hamster fancier try benjolan through with the operation but there is no guarantee that benjolan that does not appear again. This disease is genetic. Some hamster died from this disease and other animal and can also recover lost benjolan also. This disease is infectious and you have to separate the animal is exposed to this disease.

tail Wet (Wet Tail)
Animal is the most disease-luaskan assigned. Signs symtom hamster is very weak and diarrhea.
Need to be taken to the doctor. Be pitied this disease is very very difficult to be cured and may not pitch hamster please.

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